
A Book for Young Children to Learn About Human Creatureliness

A Book for Young Children to Learn About Human Creatureliness

Want to start interesting conversations with your child about the difference and similarities between animals and humans? Check out this awesome new book that explores just that! Age Range: 1-6

Healthy Eating Habits for the Developing Brain

 Healthy Eating Habits for the Developing Brain

There is a link between food, mood, and learning in school. Evidence shows that food affects a student’s cognitive, emotional, physical, chemical, and mental well-being. Unhealthy food and eating patterns have caused unnecessary problems such as lack of focus, illnesses, diminished school attendance, and low performance in school. It is all interrelated. Understanding how food and eating habits affect students and their development will allow parents and caregivers to make even the most minor changes to bring out the best in students. Childhood is the perfect time to build healthy lifelong habits. These habits bring balance and enjoyment to promote the child's overall well-being.

The following are strategies to help you navigate helping your child understand healthy behaviors that will allow them to thrive. Implementing one small strategy that best fits your family could lead to a lasting positive change.

Fun Activities to Help Your Kids Spend More Time in Nature

Fun Activities to Help Your Kids Spend More Time in Nature

Thanks to the endless entertainment provided by tablets, smartphones, and computer games, children don’t spend as much time outside as they used to. This disconnection from nature can lead to a variety of behavioral problems, negative mood effects, and attentional difficulties—common symptoms of nature-deficit disorder. Although nature-deficit disorder is not a medical diagnosis, it is a very real problem for children who lack regular contact with the natural world.

Fortunately, there are several ways for parents to prevent or reverse the symptoms of nature-deficit disorder. You just have to get your kids outside! Limit screen time and encourage your children to explore the great outdoors by setting up some exciting activities you can do together, whether in your backyard or on a weekend getaway. If you could use some inspiration, check out the following ideas!

10 Ways to Help the Environment

10 Ways to Help the Environment

Climate change is the change in global or regional climate patterns and these changes can have pretty harsh consequences. They can cause intense heat waves, droughts, and damage ecosystems across the globe. Let’s take a look at some small ways to help create a greener, healthier planet!

Robotics Books to Inspire Young Scientists

Robotics Books to Inspire Young Scientists

In honor of National Robotics Week, we are sharing 9 books that young robot enthusiasts can use to learn more about robotics and start experimenting!

Internet Safety Guide for Kids

Internet Safety Guide for Kids

The Internet can be a great resource for kids, and it’s impossible to avoid these days. Unfortunately, the Internet can also come with a lot of risks. The best way to combat any risk is education, which is why PrivacyHub has created this wonderful Internet Safety Guide for Kids!

Wonderful Books by Laurie Wallmark

Wonderful Books by Laurie Wallmark

Want to go on an adventure and be inspired? Look no further! Laurie Wallmark’s picture books delve into a daring journey and show how real #WomeninSTEM used science to change the world.

10 Everyday Items Invented by Women

10 Everyday Items Invented by Women

This world would not run without women. They have contributed countless inventions that have changed how we live our everyday lives. In honor and recognition of their amazing work, read this blog post on 10 everyday items invented by women!

8 Fun and Engaging Outdoor Science Activities

8 Fun and Engaging Outdoor Science Activities

You don’t need fancy equipment to actively engage in science. You can create a volcano with simple everyday materials that you can find in your home! Keep reading to find out 8 fun science experiments you can do today!

Black STEM Role Models in Children’s Media

Black STEM Role Models in Children’s Media

Representation matters when it comes to community and academic leadership, but having role models that look like us is just as relevant in the digital sphere. Check out these awesome kids shows and movies that feature black scientists!

Pushing Poverty Away Through STEM Education

Pushing Poverty Away Through STEM Education

What is the cycle of generational poverty? And how can STEM help break it? This post highlights the importance and advantages of a STEM focused education.

Inclusion in the Classroom: Creating Equity as Scientist-Educators

Inclusion in the Classroom: Creating Equity as Scientist-Educators

We have great news! A wonderful study about equity and inclusion in the classroom recently came out, and one of our volunteers, Lauren Chin, broke it down for us below! Based off of the study Toward Inclusive STEM Classrooms: What Personal Role Do Faculty Play?, we are excited to share some insights on creating an inclusive classroom.

Five Books to Inspire Kids to Be Advocates for Equity

Five Books to Inspire Kids to Be Advocates for Equity

With so many great children’s books out there right now with powerful messages, it can be hard to choose which books to introduce to your kids. So, we did the hard work and gathered five books that are awesome for inspiring kids to be advocates for equity! Keep scrolling and check them out!

Becoming Socially Conscious Through Social Media

Becoming Socially Conscious Through Social Media

With lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, many have flocked to social media. If you are spending hours on end on social media, you might as well use it as a tool to educate yourself on some strategies to teach your kids and yourself how to be anti-racist!

Doctors’ Dilemmas: Disparities Within the Physician Workforce

Doctors’ Dilemmas: Disparities Within the Physician Workforce

Mention being a doctor, and you often see people’s eyes widen with notions of success, being rich, and reaching the pinnacle of the social and occupational pyramid. However, the reality of being a physician is far from rosy: even medical doctors face their own social inequities within their profession.

Raising Kids: A Resource Guide for Parents with Questions

Raising Kids: A Resource Guide for Parents with Questions

We are excited to share another amazing piece by guest author Jenna Sherman of Parents-Leaders blog! This outstanding list of resources is a must-read for any parent with lingering questions!

Simple STEM Activities To Do At Home

Simple STEM Activities To Do At Home

We are excited to introduce a new guest contributor: Porch! Check-out this article by Hermann Samano for some fun STEM activities to do at home!

Staying in STEM: Sense of Belonging

Staying in STEM: Sense of Belonging

Ensuring students feel like they belong in STEM is a huge component to determining their success and happiness with their studies. How do we help students feel like they belong in STEM??