Jane Goodall

Learn about Jane Goodall and her amazing life as a primatologist!

She is an amazing woman who advocates for the protection of our chimpanzees and in doing so, inspired a global movement for species conservation!


Have you ever been curious about the inner workings of a certain plant or animal? Ever since she was little, Jane Goodall was fascinated with the outdoors, particularly wild animals in their natural habitats. Soon enough, her dream came true and she was able to observe wild chimpanzees up close in Tanzania. During her time in Tanzania, she made several groundbreaking discoveries about the natural world. Let’s take a look at Jane’s work and what she’s learned. 


Jane Goodall is a primatologist who was born in London. During her childhood, she spent lots of her free time observing nature. In the summer of 1960, Goodall traveled to Tanzania, Africa to observe chimpanzees and their behavior in the interest of learning more about evolution.

On her own, she was able to gain the trust of these animals, and discovered many previously unknown behaviors. For example, she saw their human-like behavioral habits and even a kind of social hierarchy. The chimpanzees she observed seemed to have tool making capabilities, throwing rocks and using sticks to poke into termite mounds. Goodall found that chimpanzees comfort each other and develop lifelong bonds, and they have a primitive language to communicate with each other!

These observations completely changed Jane’s view on chimpanzees and our understanding of them. After all her time in Tanzania, Jane’s most significant takeaway was her newfound awareness of the similarities between these animals and ourselves. 

“We are not the only beings on the planet with personalities, thoughts, and - most importantly - feelings. “ -Jane Goodall

Jane’s Message:

Today,  Jane is 87 years old. Even at her age, she continues to advocate for animal rights and ethical environmental practices. She started the Jane Goodall Roots and Shoots program to encourage young people to do projects that help better nature and the environment. Her message is one of hope; hope for the future and for the restoration of the environment. 

Documentaries “Jane” and “Jane Goodall: The Hope” can be found on Disney+ and Prime Video

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